
PLUME....setting the intention.

Time keeps rolling by. My 30th year has thus far been busy and wonderful! I have been feeling this creative itch....all of my life....but especially lately. I am trying to find new ways to inspire myself and to keep my Intention of a store fresh in my memory. I've had this dream of creating a space where all of the most beautiful things in life can exist. yoga, food, and the pretty things we surround ourselves with and live in. a place where someone could come and have a cup of tea....be inspired by the surroundings....or even take a yoga class. It exists everywhere, just not quite as I imagine it.

PEACOCKThe peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, and is a symbol of integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show our true colors.

I love this!

This has most recently become my muse. One day I hope to create PLUME.

A place of integrity, beauty, and freedom of expression!....not to mention a damn good meal!

I officially have set my intention. Maybe this will grow into the space I imagine, or, it could end up being my home. who knows!

I am welcoming whatever is in store for me......I am ready!