
tick tock

The beginning of the new year is quickly approaching!!

I love this time of year because it allows me the space to think about my future goals and what I would love to experience in the next year.
I have a feeling 2013 is going to be an exciting one!!

I have started to collect for my intention/vision board.
I go through my old mags and books and find things that inspire and delight.
I place those things onto a board in a place where I will see it everyday.
It serves as an awesome reminder of how I see and want to see the world, myself, my output, and my input.

Just a few things that may make it on this year.
 As the year shifts I welcome you to start a new tradition or continue if this is something you already do.

Please feel free to share!!
I always love catching a glimpse of what inspires others to be the awesome beings that they are.

Health & Happiness 
Shanti Shanti Shanti


1 month with vegan Miles!

A month has passed and Miles is as strong as ever!
He hasn't lost any weight and scarfs his food just as always.
He does go to the bathroom a lot but so would everyone if they had a vegan diet with probiotics at every meal......jealous?

I bought V-Dog to mix into his cooked and raw veggies for a little crunch and just in case I don't have time to make him food.

We go to the vet tomorrow to see exactly how he is doing and I'm pretty excited about it!

More importantly:

This last week has been a pretty mind numbing and confusing time for most people. How do we wrap our minds around the loss of a child's life let alone the loss of many? I pray that the victims of this horrific act have the support of family and friends as well as the correct monetary support. Money is clearly not the most important thing in a situation like this but it surely can help in many ways.

If you are interested in donating to something that will directly help this community check out

They have so far raised about $75,000 and that number is growing daily!

“And if I go, whilst you’re still here…know that I live on, vibrating to a different measure behind a thin veil…. ”
                                                                  ~ Emily Dickinson

The amazing energy of these children will continue to vibrate. May we remember the light that they shone upon the world and never forget our responsibility to them and to all children. As adults we are the bearers of responsibility and the conduits of action. Show love everyday, teach love and non-violence, be awake and connected to the world we are living in.

Much love ALLways