
2010-10-27 15.43.32.jpg BUDDY MILES DAVIS....oh how I love thee.....aren't animals amazing!!!





My Monday evenings have grown into one of my most favorite and most needed evenings of the week. This is the night that I give, reflect, move, sweat, honor, guide, and hopefully inspire. I know that I probably learn more in my classes than the students who attend! When I was teaching 17 classes a week I loved every moment. Now that I teach 2 there is a different feeling of "ahhhh" when I step into the yoga studio. This time of intention and breath is cleansing and renewing.

As life continues to ebb and flow I find my own yoga practice as well as my teaching has evolved. I feel a new sense of being grounded and quiet. A yearning to connect to the true and simple pleasures in everyday life. Maybe it's just the aging process!

I love and try to live by these words:

"the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"- Gandhi

serve with heart and soul, breath and hands, words and intentions.

shanti shanti shanti



Super food??!


Tomorrow is a day of emotional upheaval. On one hand it could begin a new and improved life for my father and on the other.....a change less welcomed. As I sit here, I find myself wondering what I can possibly do to make the healing process even a little bit easier, faster, more effective for him. After his thyroid is gone his body will go through a change that will then be corrected by medication for the rest of his life. A small price to pay for a long and healthier life!

In my search i have found this Sun Chlorella. It seems like a wonder supplement....is it too good to be true? Their site is beautiful and full of great info. I'm hoping it is all it says it is. If their info is correct this may be something that I will start asap!!

May the surgeon have a great nights rest and peace to all!



I noticed this word, metta, as a greeting used on a yoga website. After researching the meaning I Love It!

The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others(parahita-parasukha-kamana). Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest. Through metta one refuses to be offensive and renounces bitterness, resentment and animosity of every kind, developing instead a mind of friendliness, accommodativeness and benevolence which seeks the well-being and happiness of others. True metta is devoid of self-interest. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practice and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers. Metta is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love.

Metta makes one a pure font of well-being and safety for others. Just as a mother gives her own life to protect her child, so metta only gives and never wants anything in return. To promote one's own interest is a primordial motivation of human nature. When this urge is transformed into the desire to promote the interest and happiness of others, not only is the basic urge of self-seeking overcome, but the mind becomes universal by identifying its own interest with the interest of all. By making this change one also promotes one's own well-being in the best possible manner.

Metta is the protective and immensely patient attitude of a mother who forbears all difficulties for the sake of her child and ever protects it despite its misbehavior. Metta is also the attitude of a friend who wants to give one the best to further one's well-being. If these qualities of metta are sufficiently cultivated through metta-bhavana — the meditation on universal love — the result is the acquisition of a tremendous inner power which preserves, protects and heals both oneself and others.

My intention today and everyday is to live a life as close to metta as possible.

shanti shanti shanti, om

Wagging Green!

If you know Josh and I then you know how in love we are with our dog....Buddy Miles Davis!

As with everything in life, I try my hardest to tread easy on the Earth and do my part in changing the way we live our lives. Eat organic foods, reusable grocery bags, hybrid car, bamboo dog collars!!

This awesome company, Wagging Green, is an American Company selling a great product for our 4 legged loves. They even have a recycling program. You get a discount for sending back the old ones for new pretty ones!! Check them out!
