I am seemingly surrounded, literally, by the world of recycling. Although it may not be for the sole purpose of making the earth cleaner or decreasing our carbon footprint it does lend itself to that good feeling of doing something positive and making a difference.
I am a huge supporter of any company that chooses to do anything for our planet Earth and especially one that chooses to educate its consumers.
Everyone knows about Patagonia. They have been around forever and continue to support an active and conscious community.
I, for one, am completely guilty of having more than I need and even wanting more. This is something I am working on.
I have signed the pledge above to try and use what I have, repair when I can, and most importantly be mindful of what I acquire.
The past few days my family and I have been welcoming the Jewish New Year.
This is always a time of reflection and it seems this year has had the theme of health in our family.
My father is a warrior when it comes to this and we all received amazing news yesterday about his health.
He is on the right track and seeing the right doctors so things are looking better and better!
I can't wait for him to see the Naturopathic Doctor next week!!!!!
My wish and intention for this new year is to be a positive influence (not a nag!) when it comes to leading a healthful life.
I want a vibrant and beautiful family that will enjoy many many more holidays together.
I am blessed and honored to be a part of my whole family and are excited to see what this new year will bring!
L' Shana Tova
and lots of love!