Insufficient nutrition puts children at risk for illness and weakens their immune system. The immature immune systems of young children, ages 0 – 5, make them especially vulnerable to nutritional deprivation and as a result, the ability to learn, grow, and fight infections is adversely affected. Consequently, without the proper nutritional intake children are at risk for poor health and hospitalization. Research reveals, in comparison to food secure children, children from food insecure families are 90 percent more likely to be in fair or poor health and have 30 percent higher rates of hospitalization. Not only does the lack of sufficient nutrition take a toll on a child’s health but has economic consequences for families as well. The average cost for a single hospitalization for pediatric illness is $11,300.

Marcy came over the other night and told me about a show she saw having to do with the hunger rates in the USA.
She told me that 1 in 4 children are hungry in the USA. WHAT!?
Why do we spend so much time and money feeding people all over the world when we have people starving here?

That's always a hard question to answer. A human being is a human being no matter where they happen to live. At the same time the future of our country is hungry and this deeply affects their mental and emotional health.

No matter what,  we should always give when/how we can!

Today I donated to Feeding America, a great organization with a high pay out percentage. Something like 96% of the money donated is used for feeding America!

Thank you Marcy for the inspiration to seek this out & I hope to inspire this spirit of giving in others!

click HERE to donate!