
attitude of Gratitude!

Here we are....holidays in full swing!

I love this time of year.
Not only do we get to celebrate with family and friends the wonderful and maybe trying times we have had this year, but, it is a phenomenal reminder of what we hope to set as intentions for the next.

The title of my blog, GRATITUDE, says a lot about where my energy lies.
I am forever in awe of the amazing people I am lucky enough to call family and friends. I look to them as teachers and confidants and reminders of what I want my life to encompass.

As I dive deeper into this world of social media and make these surface cyberspace connections, I really do learn a lot from these far off people who inspire my new adventures and thoughts.

I am grateful for so many aspects of life and try to remain in this space of gratitude as much as possible! There are always little forks in the road which make the journey that much more exciting, hard, and meaningful.

Thank you for being a part of this exchange of the little and large things that inspire our lives.

Wishing you and every being a loving and peaceFULL holiday.

Have you ever had a meatless Thanksgiving?
It's awesome! Maybe give it a try.
I had to go there!!



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