Buddy Miles Davis!
I just can't get enough of this little man.
" One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive."
This is a scary statement but seems to be the growing truth.
As much as I respect the medical field.....I have no interest in paying for their lifestyle!
Even though I cringe at how much money I spend at Whole Foods I like to think of it as an investment in my future. I would rather spend this money now on great food then spend it later on hospital bills. Call me crazy, which many do, but this makes total sense to me.
" He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the time of his doctor."
- Ancient Chinese Proverb
So much of our quality of live lives in the food we eat. Just as important as what we put into our bodies is what we are influenced by in the rest of our lives.
The people we are surrounded by.
The exercise we do.
The music we listen to.
The ever pulsing energy around us.....do we vibrate at a high level.....or low?
Are we energetic or tired?
Are we joyful or somber?
Are we motivated or lazy?
These are questions I have asked myself time & time again. Always checking back in to where the energy lies. There will always be an ebb & flow, but, how do we keep ourselves in a mostly state of grace?
I find that reminding myself to be gracious with every situation is my key to success. As I remind my yoga students all of the time.....show up...no expectations....no judgement. Just go with the flow!
This has become my mantra.
Let Go!!!
What keeps you centered? Balanced? Do you have a go-to Mantra?
Practice and all is coming!!
- Sri K Patabhi Jois