
Right of Spring

I think we skipped Spring and went straight to Summer!
It's been a cool 90 degrees the past couple days down here in S Florida.
I am not complaining!! It's been beautiful from sunrise to sunset.

We are embarking on a very meaningful weekend for a lot of people. Whether it is Passover or Easter or just an excuse to get together with loved ones.....we all will celebrate and contemplate in some way.
I am a lover of tradition. The way we pass these actions from generation to generation each time adding our own little flavor in some way. I look forward to every year for the chance to be with family, old friends, and new ones as well.
The first night of Passover Seder we had two new guests.... they were in the bellies of their mothers last year!!
Tonight we celebrate again the freedom that we enjoy while never forgetting what others have experienced for our growth. I personally believe that this is not a religious thing, but, a human thing.
We have come a long way with a long way to go.

My hope is that ALL beings will have the freedom that I experience everyday.

Of course the food is the crowning event of any holiday!!!
I found this AMAZING recipe for
Raw Vegan Gefilte Fish.

It's one of those traditional foods that you grow to love.


makes 8 gefilte "wishes"

you will need:
2c dry raw almonds, soaked overnight in filtered water
2c carrots chopped coarsely
1c carrot, cut into fine rounds, for decoration
2 stalks celery, cut into chunks
1/4c sweet/vidalia onion, cut into chunks
2 cloves garlic
1/2c dulse flakes
1/4c kelp granules
1/4c fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/8c cold pressed evoo
pinch-1/2tsp cayenne pepper, to taste

1. add garlic, onion, carrots, & celery chunks into the food processor, and chop as finely as possible. Transfer into mixing bowl.
2. process soaked almonds adding lemon juice, evoo, adding filtered h2o little by little if needed, until almonds become dough
3. add almond "dough", kelp, dulse, & cayenne to the mixing bowl
4. mix with spoon, or clean hands for added love!
5. form into gefilte-shaped patties and line onto your dehydrator sheet or cookie sheet (for oven on lowest setting) decorate top with thin carrot slices just like out of the jar!
6. set dehydrator/oven to 105 degrees, dehydrate/bake for 5 hrs, or until solid enough to stay together, while still being soft on the inside. flip 1/2 way through if desired

Get ready to impress guests w/the best Gefilte "Fish" they have ever tasted! What a beautiful "WISH"!!!

Thank you  Debra Mazer!!

Also check out her gorgeous Hagaddah.

Wishing everyone health & happiness ALLways.


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