
Happy Birthday Buddy Miles Davis!!

Happy Birthday Big Man!!

Today marks year 2 for Miles!

His uncle Daryl and auntie Chandler brought him a present.....cute little moose!

Molly loved it!

Birthdays are always fun and I hope this little guy has a great day!
Love you big man!

Last night I made a completely raw meal for my aunt and uncle. I made my raw pasta....yes, again....it's so good and easy I couldn't go wrong.

They LOVED it and I think were pretty surprised at how good it was. Greg even said, "for a meat eater this is amazing". I like to hear that!

My sprouts are growing fast! My alfalfa are in the fridge and were so packed into the jar I had to pry them out.....still yummy though.

The pea sprouts are flourishing and grew about 1/2 an inch over night.

The sunflowers on the other hand had some mold so I had to throw them out.
Next time I know to have a fan on them for air circulation and to let them sprout before I plant.

Live & learn.

This weekend we are planning to go on a cruise to the Bahamas with Josh's mom and family.
Are we still going with this storm out there?
They say it's the largest in decades and is heading to the northern east coast.
Lots of rain here....the perfect time to stay home, do some reading, and make some food!!

cheers! xoxo

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